Sunday, May 11, 2014

Back and forth

As promised another one from my little stack of 45s from last week’s booter. Something on the mellow side as it’s Sunday.

This was the first one pulled out and the one I was most excited to find. Not rare but it’s been on the want list for some time. As I was settling up I noticed it had a crack, it was grabbed out of my hand and thrown (literally) into the boot of the car as junk. Whoa! I said, that might have been OK, I was simply pointing it out. It was rescued, and the crack, which had opened a bit after its aerial adventure, was reset. The price was also adjusted - to zero pence…. and yes, you guessed, it plays OK. (Hmm, although there is a click now seems more noticeable than when I first played it a week ago; can that be?).  

Our daughter is back home after nearly a year in Canada. We picked her up from Gatwick yesterday morning; her plane had been assisted by quite a tailwind I'm sure. It's little more than a flying visit as she is going back for another “year out” early next month. As Mrs Darce put it “I’m so excited to see her I could burst”.            

1 comment:

drew said...

A year's a long time Darcy. A bit of spoiling won't hurt.