From Brit Reggae to Brit Jazz-Funk. Something to dance around the kitchen to on a Friday evening.
I've stumbled across a few blogs and forum threads extolling the virtues of British Jazz-Funk recently. It seems somehow strange to see twenty-something Californians (for example) "going mad" for a sub-genre of music that had gone to ground before they were even born. Warms the cockles of the heart though - I seem to remember it got more than its fair share of bad press at the time.
This was Atmosfear's second single, following on from their debut "Dancing In Outer Space". DIOS was a sizeable hit and this single too, amazingly, exercised the lower reaches of the charts in 1980.
This is a UK 12" but I notice that "U.S.A." appears, apparently randomly, on the label. Was this done to make it appear as a US import and so appeal all the more to all those DJs who had to have the latest sound (er, maybe I was one of those).
I also notice Elite's address was Craven Park Rd. in London. A road that was home to many a British Reggae label as well. Appropriate as "Motivation" in particular has a dubby feel to it in places.
As The Peoples Choice once urged us to do - jam jam jam all night long... now - I wonder - have I still got those blue shoes somewhere?
(Put your 'phones on for a head expanding experience).
My favourite of the two and it clocks in at under 6 minutes:
This one is a mighty 8:43, those were the days:
Buy "En Trance"
Ohhhhhh yes!
Motivation = Wow - beats "Dancing in Outta Space" in my book - Thanks for the listen - Peace.
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