In one way or another radio shows have been the subject of my last three posts. At the risk of boring you this post continues the trend. This time round the subject is my very own appearance on the radio!
Yes, last night on Craig Charles Funk & Soul show I had my 15 minutes (well, a bit less than that) of fame.
What can I say? First and foremost thanks to Hermeet and Craig for selecting my suggestion for their “6 on 6 in 6” feature. If you are not a regular listener to the show – why not? – the idea is simple, pick six songs that do it for you, they play about a minute of five of them and one in full, and you get to be on the radio and chat to Craig.
I gave them a bunch of Betty(e)s!
For the record they were:
Betty Harris – Trouble With My Lover
Bettye Lavette – … Dropped In To See What Condition….
Betty Everett – Sweet Dan
Betty Davis – Anti Love Song
Bettye Swann – My Heart Is Closed For The Season
Betty Wright – Gimme Back My Man
I chose the Betty Wright track to play in full. It was featured here recently and it’s been getting plenty of spins on the turntable of late. It’s a great song and turned up loud on our Pure Evoke it sounded fantastic, and it was my choice!
Just this brief appearance got me lit and it took a couple of hours to come down to earth again. It’s 25 years or so since my spell of Djing so public speaking is a distant memory to me, but I can’t remember it having the same intensity of feeling.
Craig gave a shout out for this blog. So if any of you wished to put two and two together Darcy is no longer anonymous.
To mark this auspicious occasion I thought it only right to play another Bettye.
The B side of this single was featured by Scholar over at Souled On last year. It was so good I had to go out and get me a copy. The A side is every bit as good.
What? Ah, but Jean was born Bettye Jean Plummer and recorded a handful of singles under that name between 1967 and 1973. Too clever by half, eh? Stardom has gone to my head, heh heh! (now I’m laughing like Craig Charles!).
“Look At The Boy” can be found on Dave Godin’s Deep Soul Treasures Vol. 3 which, incidentally, also includes Betty Lavette’s “Let Me Down Easy”.
Alright la? Heard you on Craig's show last night....some boss choices and a great theme.
'You sure nuff got good musical taste' eh? Crackin'stuff and I enjoyed Listening Again (for the first time)!!
Aw shucks, thanks.
I used the Listen Again feature to replay it for a friend staying the weekend with us. She was suitably impressed! (or just humouring me!).
I left her to it as I can't stand the sound of my own voice. I did record it though so I can play it to all those people who come up to me begging to hear this little piece of history (ha! ha!).
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