Friday, January 27, 2017

Something stirs

Hello, I'm still here. Offline for quite a while there.  As well as hello, I suppose I should also wish you belated Season's Greetings and a Happy New Year! 

In case you were wondering, nothing in particular caused the silence, just a number of little things that resulted in me losing my blogging mojo for a while. I think it's coming back now, although not enough yet that I feel moved to unleash any of my extended ramblings on you :)  

But music you shall have, today brought to you by those extra special Moments. 

Sweet, intensely so I think you will agree.

Moments - What's Your Name  1974          


Rob said...

Great track from a great group...and thanks for 'rambling' back with your inspired selections (even when I have them!). And it's ok to have a (temporary, I trust) 'mojo loss' Love your site which has been so good for so long. Just keep on keeping on!

Darcy said...

Thanks Rob! It's comments like these that help with the mojo!