notice it is a month since my last “comeback” post. How can that
be possible?! Retirement has clearly caused me to enter some sort of
time warp!
I have felt more pangs of nostalgia for the days when trawling for
Soul 45s on the interweb seemed to be easier and more pleasurable.
Because my collection was much smaller then it was easy to find
things to buy and it was more pleasurable because I was discovering
so many artists that were new to me. It was a good deal cheaper too.
Those days of $2 to the pound and reasonable postage costs seem a
long time ago now. In fact I just looked it up and the exchange rate
hit $2.10 to the pound late in 2007. That was a little longer ago
than I thought, actually. But just five years ago it was still at
$1.65 to the pound. I would be happy with that now.
the early Noughties I had been bitten (all over again) by the Soul
bug big time, and in 2007 I would have been buying a fair amount of
45s from the States on ebay. Of course with hindsight I should have
bought more.
I remember I had become aware of Otis Clay's output and
I was seeing his One-derful 45s on ebay fairly regularly. They are
fairly common and I thought I had bought some at the time. When two
popped up from UK sellers recently within the space of a few weeks (I
don't recall seeing any copies for some time on ebay, at least on the
sellers lists that I have been trawling through) I checked the
collection and was a bit surprised to find I had neither. They were
reasonably priced so now copies of both of Otis Clay's 1966 released 45s have finally taken a long overdue place in the
collection. (Incidentally, when these 45s were released in 1966 the
exchange rate was $2.79 to the pound).